Wednesday, August 12, 2009

eu quero agora já!

assistir esse que promete ser o filme mais legal do ano.

mas agora que eu li isso eu quero mais ainda.

que a personagem de Camila Belle usa TURBANTES.
é isso mesmo. TURBANTES.
eu quero ser assim, quando eu crescer.
usar turbantes na rua com naturalidade.
um dia eu consigo.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

De About a Boy, por Nick Hornby

A mãe de Marcus termina com um namorado. Marcus pergunta o que houve. Isso é depois da resposta vaga e inconclusiva da mãe.

Marcus wasn't surprised that she couldn't explain what had happened. He'd heard more or less the whole argument, and he hadn't understood a word of it; there seemed to be a piece missing somewhere. When Marcus and his mum argued, you could hear the important bits: too much, too expensive, too late, too young, bad for your teeth, the other channel, homework, fruit. But when his mum and her boyfriends argued, you could listen for hours and still miss the point, the thing, the fruit and homework part of it. It was like they'd been told to argue and just came out with anything they could think of.